Noud Sleumer (Den Bosch 1995) is a designer and artist. But he does not so much design new things. He deconstructs and unravels existing, often everyday objects, products and systems. This dissection goes hand in hand with research, in order to get to the core. What do we actually use this for? Why is it made this way, with these materials? And can it not be done differently, better?
His designs actually visualize a story. They form a way to address social themes – large and small – in a pleasant but also stimulating way and to make us think. His installations offer space for new insights and a different experience. In this way he hopes to seduce people to awareness and understanding, or perhaps even change their behavior.
In addition to commissioned work, Noud Sleumer makes autonomous designs and carries out independent projects. He also provides workshops and gives lectures, with or without his designs.
In addition to his work as an artist and designer, Noud is a lecturer at the Academy for Art, Communication and Design (ArtCoDe) of Fontys Academy of the Arts in Tilburg, where he is also chairman of the education committee. He is a guest lecturer at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague, Artez Product Design Arnhem and SintLucas in Eindhoven. He also was teaching for some time at the Academy of Design in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Noud Sleumer obtained a Bachelor of Arts (BA) from the Academy for Art, Communication and Design (ArtCoDe) of Fontys Academy of the Arts in Tilburg and a Master of Arts (MA) in Social Design from Design Academy Eindhoven.
He has exhibited in: Van Abbemuseum (Eindhoven), Droog Design (Amsterdam), Dutch Design Week (Eindhoven), Netherlands Open Air Museum (Arnhem), Luma Foundation (Arles, France), Design Indaba (South Africa), MU Art Space (Eindhoven), Grey Space In The Middle (The Hague), Pennings Foundation (Eindhoven).