
Noud Sleumer likes to work in collaboration with parties that provide a subject or theme. When realizing projects, he calls in other professionals if necessary, such as creative engineer Nikolai Gillissen.

Noud Sleumer has done projects commissioned by and/or in collaboration with:

Andersson Elffers Felix

Artez Lectoraat Tactical Design

Droog Design

Dutch Design Foundation

Municipality of Den Bosch

Municipality of Tilburg

Van Oers Weijers Architects

Municipality of Rotterdam

Luma Foundation Arles, France

Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

MU Hybrid Art House Eindhoven

Netherlands Youth Institute

Netherlands Open Air Museum

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)

Temporary Art Centre

Van Abbemuseum

Partners in the We (don’t) Want Wind project:

Design Forum

Dutch Design Foundation


Trudo (housing association)